Morse Characters and Sounds Association

These files will help you associate the sound of the Morse characters
with the spoken character name, the character image and the character cursive writing (Pavlovian Conditioning?)

Each sequence is repeated three times
followed by the Morse character alone repeated three times

Make and effort to visualize in your mind the meaning and shape of each character
you can also use your hand to follow the cursive writing of each character

The Morse characters are at approximately 30 WPM
to minimize the tendency to count dots and dashes.
Make an efford to associate the sound of the Morse characters


Master (Monster?)Training File
This is a 9 min. file containing all the 36 letters and numbers
Not to learn the characters but to increase the associative response to the sounds
Used it every day for 2 months and see what happens...

Link to Common CW Groups and other Training Files,

These files are .mp3, not .mp4, and only have the sound of the characters.

Each Morse character is immediately followed by their spoken character and is repeated five times
This is followed by the Morse character alone repeated three times


On my browser the files plays once and then I have to click again to replay.
The speed may not be optimal over the Internet.

You can download the whole set here and each file will loop on your PC player.

This file have all the characters (5+3 repeations) in one very long file.
It takes 6 minutes to play.
You can download it and save it in your desktop
You can play it for yourself in the morning and at night,
and at any other time you may want, every day
Let me know if it works for you

    Speed 30 WPM - 0.04 sec/dit
    0.12 sec. between Morse character and voice character
  • Dit = 0.04 sec.
  • Dah = 0.12 sec.
  • Intra character space = 0.04 sec.
  • Inter character space = 0.12 sec.
  • Inter word = 0.28 sec. (not used)

PARIS = 50 dit units = 2 sec.
30 WPM = 50 dit units x 30 = 1500 dit units
60 sec./1500 dit units = 0.04 sec.

Thanks to W5UXH for providing assistance in massaging the dots and dashes for better computer/Internet sound

In order to learn to obtain a conscious understanding of each character following its Morse code sound,
it is required to associate the Morse code sound of each character
with a potent stimulus (i.e., the spoken sound of the character) that we all respond to.

    These are the working elements of learning via Classical conditioning:
  • An 'Unconditional or Neutral Stimulus' (US), in our case the Morse character sounds.
  • A 'Conditional or Potent Stimulus' (CS), in our case the Spoken voice sound of each character.
  • A 'Conditional Response' (CR), in our case the conscious understanding of each character.
  • An 'Unconditional Response' (UR), in our case the conscious understanding of each character following the Morse code sound.
    These elements must follow these condition:
  • The US must precede the CS (i.e., Morse code => Spoken voice)
  • The smallest the time in between the better.
  • Repetition is important
  • Motivation is important
  • The above produces "association"
  • Learning actually occurs during 'Prediction' after Conditioning learning
  • At this point the subconscious fills the void of he missing CS.
The previous files repeat the US + CS five times = CONDITIONING
Then the US alone is repeated three times
Our mind jumps in to fill the void = LEARNING AFTER CONDITIONING.

These are the individual 'Morse code character' - 'Spoken voice character' files:


You can download the whole set here and each file will loop on your PC player.

Link to Common CW Groups
